Tired of your baby's teething toys falling on the dirty ground when you're out in public? These stylish, multi-purpose teething bibs are the answer to that problem! They come with a teether attached right to the bib! This prevents the need to constantly retrieve and re-sanitize dropped teethers.
You can wear your baby with a carrier and go on a hike without having to worry about baby accidentally dropping their teething toy in the dirt a hundred times. Or keep your baby entertained while you do some household chores.
Our bibs come in adorable patterns with vibrant colors that will match your little one’s outfits and save them from food stains and drool! They’re water resistant and absorb all the drool from teething so your babe doesn't get a nasty rash!
They come in sets of four and they’re adjustable so they will fit your baby as he or she grows.